States Where Going Green Gives Back

Your State May Pay for Your Solar Panels

For a lot of people, the thought of looking for, purchasing, and installing solar panels in their home seems like an overwhelming task.  There are also widespread conceptions about the high price of these forms of supplemental energy.  However, did you know that there are multiple states where the government will actually offer monetary incentives to those who decide to go-green and invest in solar panels?  It’s true, and that’s not even considering the money that can be saved on utility bills with solar energy.  What many people don’t realize, is that with the proper research and preparation, utilizing solar panels at home can be an investment that pays off in a big way.

Arizona, California and Hawaii all rank at the top of the list of states to live in if you’re considering going solar for your residence.  Others follow close behind and still more are steadily joining the ranks of solar-friendly state governments.  This, along with the ongoing decline in solar panel costs, is making it easier for homeowners to implement this innovative new technology in their day-to-day living situation.  Each day, individuals are working hard to make solar power available to those whose wallets may be feeling a little thinly spread.

Luckily, it is now easier than ever to find and purchase solar power options without breaking the bank.  A few minutes of simple research can turn up heaps of valuable information about how to save money with photovoltaic (PV) panels.  Many states offer incentives that are more generous than some might expect.  Grants, subsidies, and rebates (combined with a 30% federal tax credit) add up to quite the savings for those who plan on installing solar panels.

Solar Green Photovoltaic Sunpower

Creative Commons License
Sunny Days by rumpleteaser, on Flickr.  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Hawaii with Open Arms

Perhaps the paramount example of states where solar power is welcomed with open arms is Hawaii.  In an attempt to curb the expensive practice of burning imported oil (which accounts for over %75 of Hawaii’s power) the state has begun to implement programs which help homeowners, renters, landlords and business owners make the switch to friendlier sources of energy without the pricey upfront costs of solar panel installation.  The perfect market for solar power, Hawaii has been ranked #3 in the nation for cumulative solar electricity capacity per-capita.  Residents are thrilled with the new incentives offered and many are eager to leave behind the high monthly costs of grid-electricity — the island-state averages a residential power bill of $203 a month, the highest in the country.  Further measures are currently being planned to help people make the switch to solar.  By 2014 Hawaii residents can expect to have certified contractors available to install panels, with little-to-no upfront cost to the homeowners.  This is possible due to investors who are willing to finance the equipment and installation through state bonds in return for a steady repayment taken from the customer’s monthly utility bill which, in most cases, will still be less than power from the grid.

Hawaii may be among those leading the charge into a clean new future, but they are by no means alone in their pursuit of affordable, environmentally friendly power for all.  Doing some quick research online can turn up incentives offered by your own state.  Considering the benefits of going solar, it is certainly worth looking into.


Arnel Ariate is the webmaster of Money Soldiers.

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