The End Of The Line… Is Moving To A Rural Area Cheaper?

As you come across properties you are interested in buying, the usual questions arise. Is your credit score up to speed? Do you have the relevant finances? But also, where should you move to? This last question is something we all have to consider now because our funds don’t stretch as far as they used to. And with the stresses of modern life, especially those associated with living in a city, the idea of moving to a rural location can seem like a suitable option. But is moving really a better option overall, but is it also cheaper?

The Cost Of Houses

One of the biggest benefits of moving to a rural setting is that you could get more for your money. Buying a small property in the middle of a city center is going to be vastly more expensive than a place out in the sticks. Because space is a commodity you can’t buy in the middle of a city unless you are practically a millionaire, the property space and land space that comes with rural living is very attractive. Companies like Sports Afield Trophy Properties specialize in rural and country properties, and you can see that the quality of the property isn’t compromised at all. In fact, because a house is located out in the middle of nowhere, this makes planning permission easier, and it can be a very lucrative property if you ever decide to sell up. Remember, many rural areas are in high demand that have the relevant transport links.

The Average Income

Moving to an area out in the middle of nowhere comes with its own issues in relation to income. The more densely populated the area, the higher the wage. In a rural setting, the opposite applies. Of course, you make a living as a freelancer, and you are one of these contractors that makes a living by working at home, then it doesn’t matter where you move to. If you’ve got a skill or a trade behind you, there will be a bigger impact on your potential to earn.

The Quality Of Life

In moving out into the country, people talk about the impacts on their stress levels. Yes, it’s a cliche, but moving to a quieter place, which gives you space to think, has profound impacts on your frame of mind. This is the defining reason for many people, because they are fed up with working a stressful job in the middle of the city, and need a refreshing change. Because a rural setting is, in many ways, more expensive, such as the cost of fuel and amenities like gas or electricity, the limited choice can raise the costs in one respect. But because you learn to live more simply, especially as you are unable to get to the shops without driving for a couple of miles, this forces you to live within your means more effectively, and so it has an impact on your outgoings because they are significantly reduced.

So is the cost of rural living cheaper? Overall, yes. But if you are to give up your city existence, you have to give up the earnings that go alongside it.


Arnel Ariate is the webmaster of Money Soldiers.

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