8 Ways to Recruit Top Talent for Your Startup

Recruiting and keeping the most talented people for your startup is a challenge that many entrepreneurs struggle with throughout the life of a company. If you have the best people working for you, then you can feel more confident about the direction that your company is going to take. In order to get the top talent, you have to be a little creative. Here are some ways successful startups have found the best and the brightest.

1. Network

One of the best ways you can get the word out when you need to hire someone with specialized skills is through networking. You can network more effectively within your industry by being proactive when it comes to attending conferences or other events. Take time to have conversations with other people in your field and listen to some of their concerns as well. You may just encounter a talented potential new hire through your conversations, as a majority of new hires are found through networking.

2. Professional Recruiters

Another viable option for startups is to use the services of a professional recruiter. If you’re concerned about the added cost of using a headhunter to find new talent; don’t be. In many cases, a professional recruiter spends less money than your own business would in finding the right employee for your organization. Since this is something that the service specializes in, they often have better access and resources for evaluating potential hires for your company.

3. Social Media

Today’s business atmosphere has another component entirely, the world of social media. If you’re using your organization’s social media accounts effectively, you can take advantage of this easy way to recruit new people for your team. Most professional recruiters rely heavily on social media to share job openings as well as learn about someone who may be interested in working for your organization. Websites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn all offer great opportunities for startups to have a voice.

4. Employee Incentives

For another useful way of getting more quality employees for your organization’s needs, look to your current employees. Spread the word that your company needs more top people, and offer an incentive for referrals. Your employees who have been part of the industry for a while may have access to a huge database of possible hires for your company. When someone that was referred gets hired, there is already a relationship set between the new and established employee, making it more likely that the new hire will feel welcome at your organization.

5. Family and Friends

After exhausting your search through your professional network, try expanding your hunt to your personal network. Family and friends may also offer a wealth of potential new hires. In many ways, this is similar to an employee referral, when someone you know recommends someone else. It is not advisable to hire friends and family for top positions unless you already have an established business relationship. If this type of situation doesn’t work out, it can get uncomfortable at family or friend gatherings in the future.

6. Media and Print

Successful startup companies also look for new hires through media and print connections. It’s important to make sure your organization gets the right kind of coverage in industry news sources and other more general publications. Having a solid plan for your public relations strategy can make it easier for positive news stories to be published about your organization. Potential future employees may be able to get a better sense of what your company is about through this route.

7. Video and Photography

Beyond the typical social media sites, you should also be taking advantage of other sites that allow you to share video and photographs, like YouTube or Instagram. Sharing industry specific media can help continue to get your name out to potential talent. Companies like hamptoncreek, of Just Mayo fame, have successfully rolled out different ways to get their name out through media sites.

8. Reputation

What is most important in generating buzz for your company in order to attract the best people is to maintain a solid and trustworthy reputation. Companies today must be more transparent than ever due to the ease of accessibility through the internet and social media. Make sure your interactions, both in person and online, are all positive and inspiring.

Your quest to recruit the best people in the industry can be successful if you use these resources. Find out how you can achieve more in your field with the top employees who make things happen.

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